Sunday, May 15, 2016

Seeing Red...

What I've learned today: if you want a picture of your family all dressed in their lovely #RedForPentecost clothes, do it as early in the day as possible. Even if it involves grabbing an unsuspecting neighbor off the sidewalk - because... well, we all know why because.

(This is just my way of saying sorry folks. There will be no cute pictures of me or my kiddos today. Mea culpa.)

We celebrated two birthdays today - Grandad's and the Church's! Paul and I sang Happy Birthday to both parties - and the Spitfire didn't sing to either. (Little Dude did bang his fork for both - so I'm going to say that it was his way of providing some much needed percussion.) It was kinda nice to open and close the day with that song. We sang it in the morning while Skyping with Grandad and all our UK aunts and uncles; we sang it in the evening at dinner. And in between there was a whole lot of "readjusting expectations".  Case in point: for once we were totally ready for an on-time departure for church but when I turned the key in the ignition - the engine refused to cooperate. Really? This is how we're rewarded for trying to finally be to church on time? OK. Plan B - throw the kids in the stroller (but hey! It's red!) and walk to St Rose (Also red!) instead. So yes, plan A was thwarted but I think by doing this we were rewarded. We ran into friends that we haven't seen for a long time and afterwards, we got to stop at a coffeeshop for treats- which is something I *always* want to do after Mass but never do because kids. Carseats. Blah.

And of course, after that - we were already downtown - why not make an afternoon of it and go out to lunch? I'm sure the kids didn't mind having pizza one more time this week - it was also red (sauce)!

So why the red for Pentecost? Honestly, I can't remember - I'm sure you can Google it (Here let me Google that for you) But looking for red became a fun theme to my day, both online and off. Here, at least, are some of the high points of that search:


Rachel Held Evans wrote a guest post for Shauna Niequist - a beautiful reflection on the Holy Spirit:
We are born into a windy world, where the Spirit is steady as a breeze and as strong as a hurricane. There is no city, no village, no wilderness where you cannot find it, so pay attention.

I don't think my friend intended to do this - but I thought it was lovely and I included her photo in the #RedforPentecost tag along...

A photo posted by Kris K (@klotzwalkin) on


Like I said before, sorry there's no pictures of my own to add here - but Lord willing - we'll celebrate the church's birthday next year! How did you celebrate Pentecost this year?

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