I've really been enjoying reading everyone's year-end recaps... things like people's top 10 posts, top 9 pics, books read, books to read, etc... Is it too late to join the bandwagon and post my reading accomplishments/aspirations? I hope not. Here we go!
Read in 2016

Sara's favorite books »
I was so proud to hit my goal of reading 12 books this year - and I did it early even! Yay, me! Although, really what that meant was for the last few months of the year (after I had met my goal) I totally fizzled out and couldn't finish anything to save my life. (Coincidence? Probably not.) So I guess I should aim a little higher next year?
But then the question becomes "Aim higher in what way?" Read more? Read differently? I don't know that I could read too many more books given how my schedule keeps getting busier as the kiddos get older. But then I saw that Modern Mrs Darcy has an excellent reading challenge on her site - and I love that it's choose-your-own-adventure style: do you want to "put the oomph back in your reading life?" or do you want to "stretch yourself in 2017"? I kinda want to do both! As you can see from above, I pretty much read non-fiction exclusively. So, I figured I would go for the Reading for Fun track, as that would actually challenge me to read outside my self-imposed non-fiction genre restriction. (Ooo. Try to say that 10 times fast! ;) )
So for 2017...*
* Even now as I'm putting this list together, I'm questioning some of my choices. So just in case anyone is planning on holding me to this, I'm just going to throw in the caveat now that all this is subject to change. But better a so-so plan than no plan, because as they say failing to plan = planning to fail, and ain't nobody got time for that.A book chosen for the cover: Ishmael's Oranges
A book with a reputation for being un-put-down-able: Now Taking Suggestions!
A book set somewhere you've never been and would like to visit: A Year in Japan
A book you've already read: Matilda
A juicy memoir: Yes, Please or Bossypants or Shirt of Flame
A book about books or reading: Ex Libris
A book in a genre you usually avoid: The Name of the Wind
Ha! A genre I usually avoid... hmm, nearly all of them? But of them all, fantasy is highest on the list, yet this one keeps getting recommended over and over again. Ok. I'll give.
A book you don't want to admit you want to read: Boy Oh Boy and/or The Highly Sensitive Person
Both of these could also easily go in the category of books I most definitely did NOT choose for the cover - but don't tell me that, because I think I might be highly sensitive. ;)
A book in the backlist of a new favorite author: Loaded
Why aren't more Catholic Mommy Bloggers talking about Heather King? (Maybe because she's only Catholic and not mommy or blogger?) This really should change. I read her book "Redeemed" this past year and loved it. I'm really looking forward to this one about the spirituality of money.
A book recommended by someone with great taste: The Summer Before the War
Shoutouts to Bobbi and Kirby for this one
A book you were excited to borrow/buy but haven't read yet: Lab Girl
A book about a topic or subject you already love: Rise of the Rocket Girls
A book about women, math and science? By all accounts, I *should* love this...
There you have it! Have I inspired you? Or do you have a suggestion for me? I'd love to hear it. There's only a few hours left in 2016, but I'll take 'em all year long in 2017 too. In any case, may you have a Happy new year!