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I'd like to think that this is what the little guy was saying all along... |
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It's like Christmas over here! Opened the door to get the mail, and saw that I had received both the Offer It Up mug from Hatch Prints, and the gorgeous "Falling in Love" handlettering print from Holly Monroe. I had seen it first on Fr Jim Martin's instagram and immediately knew exactly where I wanted it to go in our home.- 2 -
Been toying with the idea of sending the wee girl to preschool... why does this feel like Such. A. Big. Momentous. Thing? Like the rest of her future schooling depends on us making a good choice here? I feel so utterly in the dark about how to go about this; thankfully the preschools I've called thus far have been welcoming and kind - which, I also feel is a good thing. We'll see where this road goes...- 3 -
One of my favorite blogger-authors wrote this post on egalitarian marriages earlier this week and it made me both excited and filled with dread. Excited because what she talks about is definitely needed, and filled with dread because I fear that mentioning it here, in the Catholic mom blogosphere, will get me kicked out of the club. (Is there such a thing?) Oddly enough, I wouldn't think twice about sharing it on FB, but that's because my FB circle of friends is different than the friends in this circle (haven't quite figured out how to make the 2 overlap). But like I said, this post is all about the things I would share there if I could. So... y'all should read this. (There. I said it. *as she cowers behind her new coffee mug*)- 4 -
On the flip side, Kelly just wrote this post on "What to do when a friend follows a new path" that I just love and feel "safe" sharing about here - but probably would never post on FB, lest I come across as trying to prescribe to my friends there how they should treat me since leaving my old church for the Catholic church. And I wouldn't even remotely want things to look that way! (I cringe just thinking about it) But what I loved about Kelly's post was how she nailed some of my own thoughts and feelings that I've processed as I've watched friends go on new paths. Thoughts like:"I felt like I was losing a member of my super secret club to a rival club."
"Now, rather than having someone to commiserate with, you feel unfairly left behind."
But even better she had sound advice for what to do:
"Take these feelings first to confession, and work extra hard on #5 for your own sanity"
"Remember now that when you talk about 'those people' who don’t do things exactly like you, you’re now talking about your friend. Perhaps people who choose another path aren’t so bad after all?"
True dat. Godspeed to us all, yes?
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So, you know when you start to see something pop up over and over again in completely different settings you start to get the feeling God might be trying to tell you something? I had checked out "Wisdom Distilled from the Daily" by Joan Chittister because it was sort of based on a recommendation from another one of Kelly's posts. Actually, she had recommended reading The Rule of St Benedict - but that sounded too old and historical to me, so somehow I had found this and thought it would be easier to do. But I forgot about reading it, in favor of reading something else (see below)... and then, yesterday when I opened up my email to see Emily P. Freeman's newsletter it was the very first book she shared that she was reading! Maybe Kelly and Emily run in the same circles - but not from my viewpoint. It was a little startling to see the book there in the newsletter... so maybe I should get on reading that, eh?
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That other "more interesting" book I mentioned is by another favorite blogger-author, Nadia Bolz-Weber: Accidental Saints - Finding God in All the Wrong People. I love her. And her writing. One might describe her as a Lutheran-more-tatted-up-Anne Lamott-with a slightly "saltier" vocabulary. I just loved reading her describe her first encounter with Catholics and the BVM:
"I knew Catholics existed, with their saints and candles and rosaries, and all their other exotic ways of being wrong. But now I had Catholic friends. And I couldn't stop staring at their Mary. She seemed luminescent and good and trustworthy and beautiful. And I was secretly jealous they got to have her."
I feel lucky we get to have her and Nadia.
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One week of Lent down... how many more to go? Ha ha. Just kidding. Though I just have to share that since deciding to do the Blessed Is She devotional for Lent with some other women from my church - I'm actually getting daily prayer and Bible time in. Daily! It feels good. Thanks to Blessed Is She for the workbook.
And thanks to Kelly for the link up! See you all around again soon...
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