This post starts out lighthearted, then gets kinda deep, then ends on a few light notes again. A journey, if you will... we just keep on keeping on...
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(The results are similar and both benefit from use of a wet-vac.) |
Lesson #2:
(Oh the *smell*!) |
#3: Many folks understand that summer is nigh when the weather starts to get hot... me? I judge it by whether school is out...
Judging from my replies to this post though, I guess there could be some debate on this way of reckoning time?
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I don't really want to stop (so I guess that's reason enough to keep going) but I do want posts with purpose... so is my purpose giving friends and family a deeper look into our daily (faith) life? Is it posting all the weird/great stuff I'm learning about Catholicism? Is it about giving my fingers (and brain) something else to do besides picking up duplos for the umpteenth time? Is it all of the above? I don't have an answer yet - I'm just throwing these thoughts out into the wide world of the web. We'll see what comes...
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We had a lovely time making flower crowns, eating delicious food (mostly vegan, as the mom-to-be is vegan - but there was some faboolous brie there too!), and sharing words of blessing. I brought a poem from Carl Sandburg that I don't think is about being a mother - but gosh - it sure could be.
I love you for what you are, but I love you yet more for what you are going to be. I love you not so much for your realities as for your ideals. I pray for your desires that they may be great, rather than for your satisfactions, which may be so hazardously little. A satisfied flower is one whose petals are about to fall. The most beautiful rose is one hardly more than a bud wherein the pangs and ecstasies of desire are working for a larger and finer growth. Not always shall you be what you are now. You are going forward toward something great. I am on the way with you and therefore I love you.
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Love you and baby too! |
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It's all good though, because I've got a reader on my hands too...
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C.S. Lewis. #raisingthemright |
And that's the view from here! See more school-year-end reflections (as I call them! ha!) over at This Ain't the Lyceum.
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